the word WOOT just doesn't cut it anymore... i just had my interview for curtin and was told that if they could they would skip me to the 2nd or 3rd year... they were pretty amazed at the graphic stylings of Brad Gurney the 17 year old designing kid.... just thought i'd update you all on that little exciting part of my life.... keep tuned an more content will be posted soon.
E-cards designed last year - kinda an 80s electro pop theme... i like them
thats all i'm gonna show you carzy kidders for tonight as i have to do my portfolio for my interview at curtin tomorrow BA(DESIGN) wish me luck blogsters.
I finally got a blog as a designer i should have had a running blog years ago my excuse is poor time management. yes i am a designer and much of my blog will be design related so theres the heads up and heres the plug. Brad Gurney Graphic Design well thats all i can think of at this time on a not-so-manic monday but stay tuned to this quadrant of the blogosphere for more blogging fun from me including news on design, art, music and other creative topics as well as just the boring stuff i come against in day to day life...
I'm your friendly neighborhood brad gurney... ok maybe not so friendly.... anyway i like art... you could even go far enough to say that i love art.... but that would be entirely your own speculation as i wouldn't have said it. i love all art forms graphic design/illustration, fine art, photography, product design, music, fashion, architecture, literature anything that basically requires creativity. I'm also a christian so that means that Jesus is my homeboy and i'm gonna guess that a lot of the examples that will be on the blog will be from church jobs. anyway peace to all and bulk luv in your quest for blogosphere domination