Wednesday, September 16, 2009


i've learnt that in order to live and do the things you love, you need a steady cash flow. Something i have been without since the begining of year 12... so today marks the begining of a a new era for BRAD GURNEY GRAPHIC DEISGN.... an era where clients aren't friends in need of a quick and cheap design fix... first order of businessi is a flyer to get a clinent body happening then business cardss. some might think it odd to do a flyer first but cards can come next... i need clients first and the only way to get clients is to offer them something they want... CHEAP BUSINESS CARDS... so here goes. wish me luck ;)

Sunday, August 2, 2009

a picture with me in it....

brad gurney

new logo? perhaps nobody knows

Monday, June 15, 2009

Perth Party Hire Directory

part hire directory business cards, i also made the web header party hire directory


Latest job, business cards for Fox Web Design 

Wednesday, May 20, 2009


it's a sad life when your clients call you more than your friends....
however it would be even more sad if i didn't have any friends but at least i have clients

here's part of a current job involving a web header for a party hire directory online.... other good stuff but too much effort right now to convert it to RGB so another time will have to do....

Wednesday, March 25, 2009


YES!!! i finally stole back my logo form uni in a way not unlike that of mission impossible 1. After working on it a bit from the rough lines it was i have come up with a first draft and after issues with the letter d and stem lengths are fixed i feel i will definitely have something that sticks... anyway i best get back to my Design in Context Assignment as the tute teacher wants the draft by tomorrow.... hehe like thats gonna happen.

peace ; )

Monday, March 16, 2009


hello blogosphere visiters. 
on my many hours on the train today i was able to do some maths 
i worked out that on a monday i am on public transport for just under three hours 
just so that i can sit in on a 1 hour lecture where i don't learn anything....
but hey might as well go its not like i have any sleep to catch up on....

some photography from my recent trip to freo for my 2nd photography assignment

the dude in the photo is my good mate alex.... expect some better shots up soon
or when i get less homework....

peace out

Thursday, January 15, 2009


i'm getting crazy lazy lately but i'm gonna give you all a glimpse of my portfolio with two shot from the pdf....
sorry i cant't add the entire pdf i'll put it on my website soon and add a link 
anyway here goes
; )
peace out and cool beans

Sunday, January 11, 2009

new stuff!!!

thought i'd give you something to look at for a change
this probably my most recent work to date.. it's the concept for the new cube youth logo
i just have some symmetry issues i'm not happy with then it'll be ready for use one i've got the updated .EPS + .AI ready... 

Got heaps of jobs on line for church... so expect more samples of work... will try to get my portfolio up soon...

Saturday, January 10, 2009

it's been a while

sup kids
haven't posted in a while 
update on uni is that i didn't get the ter i need to get in however my portfolio did a lot of talking and after some queries looks like I'm still going to curtin university.... 
stoked as !!!
gotta go now but will chuck some art up soon... no actually i'll post a link to a copy of my portfolio instead...

peace out
// bd